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              【前味/Top Notes】 木香、綠葉香、青檸檬/Wood, green leaves, green lemon fragrance 【中味/Middle Notes】 姜花、鳶尾花/Ginger flower, iris 【後味/Base Notes】 薰衣草、白松香、茶花/Lavender, Bai Songxiang, Camellia

              • 型號: 凱賓斯基


              朝露欲滴般的輕盈剔透,讓你再次領(lǐng)悟到生命的喜悅,誰(shuí)都會(huì )為這生機勃勃的魅力所吸引,我們需要捕捉的是浪漫、雅致脫俗的清新氣息,來(lái)愉悅所有感官,這才獨屬于您的活潑與熱情。

              The dew drop like radiant, again let you realize the joy of life, who will be attracted by the charm of this full of vigour, we need to capture is romantic, elegant and refined freshness, to delight all the senses, it only belongs to your active and enthusiastic.

              【前味/Top Notes】

              木香、綠葉香、青檸檬/Wood, green leaves, green lemon fragrance

              【中味/Middle Notes】

              姜花、鳶尾花/Ginger flower, iris

              【後味/Base Notes】

              薰衣草、白松香、茶花/Lavender, Bai Songxiang, Camellia

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